Sunday, August 4, 2024

Game 3 Gamble Lane

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Full line ups can be found here

About 20 years ago lived in Heys St, Thornton, at the time TCFC were called Thornton ICI they played on Gamble Road before moving to a new site at the entrance to the old ICI site, they have gone full circle and returned to Gamble Road although not on the same pitch.
The area has changed the old ICI power station is no more, now the site of traditionally bland new build housing which has gone up, Gamble Road itself hasn't changed managed to see a rat run down one of the back alleys. In old days you could watch the game and go for a jar in the Burn Naze, a pub which was very local to say the least, sadly the Naze has also gone and the site is now hiding behind boards safely out of site.
The ground backs onto the impressive training ground of Fleetwood Town with it's futuristic indoor training pitches.

When I rocked up had a sinking feeling it would be an artificial pitch but grass it was. Like most of the newer grounds it has a cage around it as is with non league people rather pay than watch it for free as the attendance showed.
Decent club house beer £4.80 a pint and it was a decent brew.
Visitors Route One Rovers a mainly Asian side had a decent season last year although this season like the home side were on zero points
The first thirty minutes to say the least , differing styles ROR passing to feet they looked a decent side and when they took the lead after neat work down the left wing finished well by Zahoor at the back post, it was what they deserved. TCFC had offered little until they were given a penalty after a fould by the right back.
Took a while for the penalty to be taken due to bits of gamesmanship before Duffield's kick was easily saved by Khan.
[Image: IMG-3782.jpg]
Half time fair scoreline.
Second half similar scenario little happened the visitors good in possession again neither side created anything until TCFC made substitutions and then BOOM. Four goals in 10 minutes all similar all through the centre of ROR's defence, pace was the difference as Greaves twice, Beavers and Hulme completely changed the game, the visitors it is safe to say fell apart after being comfortable for 70 minutes.
[Image: IMG-3781.jpg]
[Image: IMG-3783.jpg]

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